okey.. bot 2dae.. first early morning wake up and go
to skool as per normal..skul starts at 8 and end at 6..
skool okey2.. boring at tymes. after dat..
rush to help my mum at skool coz got the adam khoo tingy again.
n we had to cuk dinner for them..
sowie dear for not layaning u again..hais..
after dat..
we decided to go to the nearby coffee shop to
celebrate my bro, din's 16th birthday..
we bought satays and bought fried chicken.
den .. my mum n dad went to buy birthday cake for him while
the rest of us bought durians..
den went home and enjoyed the cake and durians..
below are some photos dat i took..
so.. enjoyed.. ;)
Din !!.. Happy 16th birthday!!!
He n his cake
Him cutting "his" cake
My family foto
Random fotos
Trying to cut my bro's stomach smaller.. hehe
Sorie!! i wont take ur cake!!
Eating durian baby!!
the durian killer 
random photos

Baby.. i really mish u.. sowiee sayang for not entertaining u much lately..
hart u dear.. muackz!
~chill out~
Monday, July 9, 2007
Monday, July 09, 2007
okeys. let me start.. BACK TO SKOOL!!! hoho..
2dae is the day where all ite student to get back to skul work
after 3 weeks of 'holiday'.. For me, itz hard to get out from
bed coz usually during the holidaes i wud sleep
late n wake up like afternoon. (unless baby meseje me to go online)..
kkz.. i set my alarm clock to 9am .. end up snoozing like for 1 hr ..
so ya. kinda late 4 skul.. slept in the bus to n fro from the skul coz it is a 1 hr trip..
in skul.. study a bit n tok alot coz my classmate attendance is
quite bad n we all get to b lectured..
(BORING SIA!!!) hehe..
den after skul went home straight.. n juz as i went in the hs,,
baby meseje.. n we tok2.. till 7 plus.
den giv wae for prayer tyme..
kkz.. gtg.. later got agame class.. n will
end like 10 plus..
(chill out)
Friday, July 6, 2007
Friday, July 06, 2007
Juz came back from helping my mum cuk.. itz been
3 daes straight and i soo tired sia as we had to cuk 4 140 students
plus teachers each dae..
Sayng.. dun 4get to urut me kz..hehe.. n kecian my baby at home coz
i didnt layan her n spend much tyme wif her..
i'll make up 4 u kz .. hart u!
here ar some pix dat i took behind the scenes..
kz. gtg now..
very tired man..
students and teachers eating their fud

my mum and dad.. the real chef.. luv dem loads <3

after a gud chef dere is a succesor.

cutting my own hand (wif chilli sause)

after each succesful cuking, u juz need to let it out

~chill out guys~
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Thursday, July 05, 2007
yay2. managed to create my own blog for the first time.. wee. im so hapi.. thanx sayang for teaching me.. hoho.. hart u.. muackz!