BoUt Me
Nor Khairil Bin Jamaludin
there's nothing wrong with my name
X Age 20
X DOB 4/2/1988
X Ite Dover (2006-2008)
X NS - Jurong camp 1.
Hq storemen (F.E)
O.R.D 8/8/2010
X Soccer
X Listening to music
X Making new frens
X Mc flurry!!!
X mats
X backstabbers
X Posers
X My smelly socks!! =)
Wan noe more bot me.. c my frenster---->
My Wish List
(X) buy new clothes
(X) lose my weight *i think
(X) enrolled motor bike license
(X) Passed motor bike license
( ) Get my own motor bike
(X) Find new lovee..pending
( ) Psp
(X) Vans shoe
Friday, October 26, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
Wah!! so long didnt blog.. lazy katekan.. hehe.. noting much happened only that i did something
too cruel to my baby sayang.. i wont elaborate on it coz i dont wan to rmb it.. sorieee baby gurl...
so ya.. 2dae went to cmpb to hav my medical check up for ns.. the diff stations are so interesting la.. here, let me take u to a tour
Firstly - had to pee inside this small cup.. so hard la to aim as the cup is smaller ur... ermmm.. paham2 yela.. heee. its to test if u ar on drugs..
2nd- had to take blood sample on ur finger
3rd- had to take another blood samples.. n i mean a full tube of it.. itz to test whether i got hiv..
4th- x ray room.. need to take out shirt.
5th- dental check.. everything is fine.. so use colgate!! haha
6th- optical checking.. my right eye is better than the left
7th - hearing check.. this is interesting.. u go inside this closed n quiet room.. u put on the earphone which is damm big.. n when u hear the sound from either side of ur ear.. u raise ur hand accordingly..
8th- taking blood pressure and height n weight.
9th- heart beat test- which i failed. haix2.. my heart beat beats fast la.. anxious wad.. so need to go for another check up next 2 weeks.
10th- the bez!!! haha.. fully naked.. n i mean it.. no clothes on.. even ur underwear. haha.. n u hav to stand infront of the doctor.. then cover ur mouth n try to cough.
11th- iq test. so damm boring sia. the question keep on coming n it will not stop.. most tyme wasting..
finally- photo taking.. wearing uniform for the first tyme. n i luk so damm hot!!.. heee
n dats all people..ns here i come. opps. i mean after poly!! heee =)
Monday, October 15, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
Welcome back to singapore baby gurl.. mish u giler seh . hehe.. alrite2... 2dae is back to skool for all ite people. after 1 month of holidaes during the fasting month. now sleepy2need to go to skool.. haiya2.. nothing much happened the past 2 daes of raye except for jalan raye.. n the worst part is less green hangpao.. haiya2. nothing much to sae so juz enjoy the pix.. baby gurl.. mish u loads!!!

Friday, October 12, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
Slmat hari raya! maaf zahir dan batin to all muslim .
fuh! after 1 month of fasting. itz tyme for us to celebrate. new baju raye, new fresh paint for the house, new year!!! eat biscuits, ketupat and rendang, more gassy drinks and green packets!!hehe. but the most important thing is to ask for forgiveness to the people around us.. eventhough i did lots of bad deed to sayang.. hehe.. maaf zahir batin sayang.. sob2.. hais.. sayang been away to msia to celebarate her first dae of raye.. but fun la.. get to celeberate dere.. make sure bring me some lemang for me when u get here.. =) .. kla, very bz todae , still got lots more to do.. hais2.. only sayang cud be here to help me mentally nad physically.. hoho.. slmat hari raye to u all. .
niwae here are some pix dat we took b4 she left for msia

mish my baby!!! wekkk!!!!!