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BoUt Me

Nor Khairil Bin Jamaludin
there's nothing wrong with my name

X Age 20
X DOB 4/2/1988
X Ite Dover (2006-2008)
X NS - Jurong camp 1. Hq storemen (F.E) O.R.D 8/8/2010

X Soccer
X Listening to music
X Making new frens
X Mc flurry!!!

X mats
X backstabbers
X Posers
X My smelly socks!! =)
Wan noe more bot me.. c my frenster----> ♥me

My Wish List

(X) buy new clothes
(X) lose my weight *i think
(X) enrolled motor bike license
(X) Passed motor bike license
( ) Get my own motor bike
(X) Find new lovee..pending
( ) Psp
(X) Vans shoe


LisTen Up

♥ Friday, November 23, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007

update!! update!! update!!! update!!!! update!!!!..

so leceh la.. y isnt dere any auto update blog which help do it for u.. so lazy sia.. haha..

frstly.. brazil won the world cup!!! i mean for my class.. we played the psp soccer game during lessons.. so cool la. but we almost get caught by teacher several times.. heng sia.. so ya.. ders only five teams competing.. sakti-italy, hairul- holland, megat- spain, mirhan- portugal n the champion me!- brazil.. hehe . . dey said i cheat la.. bcoz i got gud and fast players.. lame ar korang!!! sore loser btol.. hehe.. next cup is asean cup.. gonna be so fun.. hee

N u!! changing job again? haiya.. stay to 1 can eventough the pay is higher.. but its still ur decision. i can only support u syg. miz u loads!!! c ya tmr kz.. mmuackz.. k people. bounce!!!

♥ Sunday, November 18, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007

Yo peepz!!!.. amcm.. haha.. went sentosa yesterdae.. fun dae, fun people, fun fun fun la.. swim2.. play2.. play water polo.. cover 1 person with sand, play cards, more swimming n wrestling in the water.. fun sia..

den we head to far east plaza to watch butts off comp.. itz hip hop dancing for stop smoking campaign.. sheesh!!! mepek!!! even the dancers are smokers.. so ya.. sayang's sis took part in it whom call themselve style groovers.. can la.. but their semi finals is better.. but the bez part was her sis was chosen to fight for old skool dancing where they picked the bez dancer.. tapi so sad.. she got consolation prize and the winner is from fantastic 4.. kla..

oh.. gud luck 4 ur first dae of werk tmr sayang.. tc tau.. n bile dapat gaji jgn lupe nak belanje i.. heee.. hart u loads!! muackz!!! kden, bounce!!!

♥ Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Tuesday, November 06, 2007


baby gurl had try this quiz. so y shund't i.. heee

1. What's the worst thing about hugs?
*smelly armpits and hugging sum1 taller than u.

2. What is your style of fashion?
*simple.. black ts and jeans..

3. Did you talk to anybody random?
*nope.. i talk when im lost sumwhere

4. What do you think of yourself?
*im highly fergile

5. Whats the stupidest thing you've
ever done?
*shit in my own pants!!!haha

7. Did your last outing involve the
*yesh!!! my uncle is a policeman

8. If you could hug anyone right now,
who would it be?
*baby gurl!!!

9. Do you make every decision as if
your parents are watching you?
*yupz!!! coz i dont like to be scolded

10. When was the last time you were
*never!!! im a swit lil angel..(in disguised!!.. muamua)

11. Do you love anybody more than
words can say?
*Ntah eh.. i dont even bother!

12. Have you ever gotten the
*yes.. esp b4 meeting baby!

13. What were you doing at 12 AM four
days ago?
*im asleep!!!

14. Do you sleep with socks or shoes
*i use kain.. haha

15. If you could change anything about
your past would you?
*yes! i wud change my eating diet

16. Do you bail on people often?
*of course.. esp when wif sayang

17. Does anyone think you're a bitch?
*im a guy.. deres no bitching people

18. Do you consider yourself
*im not gay

19. Do you consider your friends
*haha!! lame sia this question

20 . When was the last time you went
ice skating?
*d last time was im primary 5! hahaa

2 1. Have you ever been on a boat?

22. Describe the perfect
girlfried /boyfriend in 1 word:

23. Your team loses - are you watching
the next game?

24. A best friend should always:
*cover up for ur mistakes

25. Who was the last person you hugged?
*my parents!! sowieee baby

26. What was the last thing that made
you smile?
*not yet and im still waiting for it

27. Have you ever been fired from a

28. Someone trips in front of you -
what do you do?
* if gurl i wud help her up but if boy i juz luk at him and laugh like mad.. haha

29. Have you ever failed a class?
*failed my napfa test!!.

30 . Have you ever attended a school
*chicken dance!!

31. The person says they like you -
you say:
*do i noe eu?

32. Whats your favorite thing to do
while watching a movie?

34. Have you ever woken up next to
someone and smiled?
*dah giler kape?

35. Are you really close with your

36. Do you go hunting?
*fud, clothes, places, ghost and ex gurl hunter.. haha

37. Whats your favorite sport?
*soccer baby

38. Have you ever been on TV?
*yes!Berita jam lapan..

39. Who do you look up to the most?
*My father

40. An ideal 24 hours would consist of:

*ape bende nie? ?

41. Do you like to run?

42. Do you plan on dressing up for
Halloween this year?
*my chemical romance black parade

43. What word starts with M?
*Ma Me MO~

4 4. What is your favorite day of the
week and why?
*Tuesday! soccer day!

45. Do you have Deja Vu often?

46. Has your favorite colour ever been
pink or blue?

47. Do you believe in true love or
love at first sight?

48. One word to describe this quiz.

♥ Sunday, November 4, 2007
Sunday, November 04, 2007

happy 16 month anniversary sayang!!!

n this sumting dat is so important that i promiz my baby gurl n never will i break it
i promiz her that i will never let her go and leaving her all alone..

sayang2 .. i've done many wrong to u.. i hope u forgiv me.. hart u loads sayang.. mmuackz!!!

n here are some pix that we took along the 16 months that we hav been 2gether.. enjoy..

♥ Friday, November 2, 2007
Friday, November 02, 2007

Alrite2.. here are some things that i promiz my frenz and my dearest baby gurl.

1) bom- to take my motor license next year once finish skool.. if i cud afford it.

2) baby gurl - treat her makan sumwhere if she passed her exam
- treat her to swensens if she get some A's
- cuk for her on a private date if she got all A's =)
- go swimming at the beach
- go watch movies
- more eating at kfc.
- get a bike so that can send and take sayang from skool.
- go same skool with her.
- go scape theme park
- stop smoking!!!!! i will sayang.. juz give me tyme kz
- meet sayang's mother.. ehem2.. heee

3) megat - go out 2gether as a couple nite.

this is all that i can remember.. so ya.. if i miz out aniting.. plz do tell me. heee