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BoUt Me

Nor Khairil Bin Jamaludin
there's nothing wrong with my name

X Age 20
X DOB 4/2/1988
X Ite Dover (2006-2008)
X NS - Jurong camp 1. Hq storemen (F.E) O.R.D 8/8/2010

X Soccer
X Listening to music
X Making new frens
X Mc flurry!!!

X mats
X backstabbers
X Posers
X My smelly socks!! =)
Wan noe more bot me.. c my frenster----> ♥me

My Wish List

(X) buy new clothes
(X) lose my weight *i think
(X) enrolled motor bike license
(X) Passed motor bike license
( ) Get my own motor bike
(X) Find new lovee..pending
( ) Psp
(X) Vans shoe


LisTen Up

♥ Sunday, December 30, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007

alrite.. to sayang n all her frens whu wanted to c my chalet pix.. sorie to disappoint. i dont hav the pix.. mayb 1 dae alrite.. the chalet was a blast laa.. read on sayang's blog to noe more.. rite after sending sayang home dat nite.. we carried on wif our bbq till 3 in the morning.. supper katekan.. den played chess mcm apek2 yg kalah judi.. haha.. i keep winning lor.. at last i gang up wif with my fren.. who ever can defeat us, den we all can slp.. (its already 5am!) haha.. finally, everyone hav to lose.. so ya, managed to slp at 5.30..

5.40 - lights off n everyone snoring away n we got a snorlax in the hs.. as in real pokemon.. hahas

7.30 - woke up, had to go to the swimming pool toilet to ease my stomch.. lemang bathing in the chalet toilet.. hahas.. (berak kapa, berak kapa, berak kapa!! haha..

7.45 - didnt bathe, but juz brush teeth n washed face..

8.00 - off to wekk at kallang.. so ya, maen giler seh, wif heavy eyes..

9.00 - reached office, punch card den off to werk.. did tagging of price tag on the shirt..

10.00am - no more stock.. nuting to do.. supervisor send me to main warehs.. nuting to do also so the manager ask me to go hm.. hooray!!!

10.15- sms sayang bot the early released..
plan to mit her but me bucuk.. haha..
wad only wan me to bathe at bedok swimming pool..

12 - reached sayang blk, sms her, wait for her,

12.30 - sayang came down coz hav to wait for her mum to off to werk..

12.45 - under blk n slp on sayang's lap.. very nice la while she played wif my hair..

4 - lepak2 den off to hm.. very tired but managed to get a seat in the train.. so ya.. slp all the way.. n accidentally slpt on a men's shoulder.. paisey sia.. haha..

kla.. dats all.. gonna go for anoder job interview tmr.. got to bounce people.. ciaoz!!!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

hey people.. came across this videowhich wow simon cow.. for those future singer out dere.. beat this 6 yr old gurl!!

♥ Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007

job interview tmr at 9.am...

chalet 2dae.. but going tmr after interview..

hurt sayang too much recently..

sorie sayang...

miss u badly..

lets party tmr baby..

bounce baby bounce.. ciaoz!!

c ya tmr alrites..

♥ Monday, December 24, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007

went to east coast park yesterday to hav our bbq.. stupid la since it kept raining heavily.. so ya.. did most of the bbqing at nite..late nite.. tired sia.. i leave the pix to do the toking ya.. lets bounce baby.. ciaoz!!

gone fishing late at nite..

caught a squid baby!! haha.. lucky sia.
sataying the fresh squid.. stupid din
nvr wash the sand inside..

♥ Saturday, December 22, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007

syg's mum: halo.

me: halo

syg's mum: ni khairil ke?

me: ya.. sape nie?

syg's mum: ni ibu jamilah

me: oh.. (my gosh!)

syg's mum: so dah dapat keje? the promoter got kol u?

me: nope..

syg's mum: ohh, y dont u apply job as a levi's promoter, i heard that they need people..

me: ok..

syg's mum: tmr u go tampiness mall n ask alrite

me: ok..( omg!!! jauhnye!!)

syg's mum: kden.. bye2

me: ok.. thanz

alrite if ar wondering.. this is the conversation dat i had wif sayang's mum yesterday.. since i didnt hav a job. i asked sayang to help me by asking her mum for a promoter job in isetan.. n sayang had been asking bot my conversation.. kaypoh btol!!! sheesh!! 2 je la.. takot nah.. hee.. kla.. sayang only wan me 2 update on this 4 2dae.. more tmr kz.. got to bounce baby!!! ciaoz!!

♥ Friday, December 21, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007

so damn bored at home..
jobless.. wekk..
decided to read up wad
sayang sent me n so im
sharing it to u guys..

Friday, December 21, 2007

Slamat hari raya haji people esp muslim people out dere.. berkorbanla semuer!!! ur tyme, ur energy, ur money, tink bot the unfortunate people out dere.. be sympathy.. wasalam..

jobless, no job, boring sia...

stupid tcc!!! stupid taka!!! jobless!!! niwae thanz sayang for helping me.. thaz ya n love ya..

got to bounce peepz!!! ciaoz!!

♥ Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

alrite peeps.. juz came back from a wonderful date wif my dearest.. went to bugis to watch alvin n the chipmunks.. funny la the movie n u guyz shud watch it.. so ya, since sayang got her paid.. she treat me .. aww.. sho sweet.. heee.. den while waiting for the movie to start, we went window shopping n end up in starbucks to hav free drinks.. sayang's fren werk dere.. thanks ain for the drinks .. chit chat n tyme for our movie..

after movie, took a bus ride home.. couple camwhoring tyme!!! hahas.. so ya, lotsa pix of us la.. kla.. enjoy the peepz yo.. sayang.. thanz for the treat yo.. n kesian sayang now saket.. get well soon ya.. tc n hart u loads!!! mmuackz!! got to bounce peepz.. ciaoz!!!