BoUt Me
Nor Khairil Bin Jamaludin
there's nothing wrong with my name
X Age 20
X DOB 4/2/1988
X Ite Dover (2006-2008)
X NS - Jurong camp 1.
Hq storemen (F.E)
O.R.D 8/8/2010
X Soccer
X Listening to music
X Making new frens
X Mc flurry!!!
X mats
X backstabbers
X Posers
X My smelly socks!! =)
Wan noe more bot me.. c my frenster---->
My Wish List
(X) buy new clothes
(X) lose my weight *i think
(X) enrolled motor bike license
(X) Passed motor bike license
( ) Get my own motor bike
(X) Find new lovee..pending
( ) Psp
(X) Vans shoe
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
yesterday is so random la sey.. in skool as per normal.. late 4 skool again.. stupid alarm .. haha.. recently hav been late 4 skool.. luckily skool ending soon.. like 2 weeks more!! weee.. cant wait.. gonna enrol 4 motor license immediately after the exam.. weee!!! hairul.. teman aku pah?!! haha.. whu else wan to follow me? sabrina.. how bout u? heee.. (angel face)
den so randomly n went meet up wif sabrina.. actli planned to go to swensen to hav that dish.. den end up tak jadi.. sowiee yo.. den walk2 n laugh2 n disturbed2.. haha.. fun la sey.. she better than jamilah!! bluek!! haha.. had a really fun time with her sia.. if only can meet her everyday.. spend tyme wif her more.. n hug her!! wekk!!
while 2dae.. nuting much.. late for skool again!!! haha.. do our sumo project as per normal.. laugh2 n lots of gossiping.. guyz do gossip okay.. we bois gossip more worst than the gurls.. haha.. tok bot each oder gurl n so kaypoh of them to c my sabrina pic.. sorie gang.. not the tyme yet kz.. 1dae i will introduce u to ya.. after i get my motor kz.. =)
kla.. datz all .. i will survive baby!!! weee!!!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
nuting much to update.. normal day , normal life.. doing the same stuff over n over.. haha.. went to werk yesterday as per normal.. but very tired coz went out wif my "mum" to buy stuff n help carry stuff.. haha . . den off to werk.. i sweat alot lor. imagine to wear a black promoter shirt n smart shoes.. im hot.. literally hot.. im sweating!!! n thanx "mum" for forgeting to bring the tissues that i need.. hmmph!!
at werk.. thinking of taking half day.. so damm tired n like no customer.. only got those window shoppers.. haiya.. den sumi told me to go home later.. haiyo.. klor.. might as well entertained her coz she gonna change job relly soon n many of my mates are going to quit soon.. wekk.. left me alone sia.. den werk2.. tok2 . . skali got this v.i.p came sia.. wlau.. tok to sumi, tok to the oder promiter but not me sia.. haiya.. den i got to noe that d v.i.p too paisey to tok to me.. haiya.. paisey for wad sia?.. haiyoyo.. ayecarramba btol.. well. too bad .. mayb some oder tyme in the future if things go the way i wan. haha.. den at nite.. mood swings for me.. haha.. boy mood swing.. funny sia.. ala .. sum1 scold me for the 1st tyme lor.. hart pain sia.. jahat!!! haha.. but things wet okey after dat.. sabrina!!! u jahat ar!! sheesh!!! den off to slp late.haha promized sabrina to slp early but didnt lor..
as a result, woke up late 4 skool.. haiya.. decided to go 4 afternoon lesson instead.. b4 skool.. tok to sabrina darling.. i mean baby sabrina.. heee... oh ya.. she early morning very noti lor!! got this incident when the telephone line keep cutting. den i found out that my cubby cheek accidentally pressed onto the reject button on the fon.. den she laughed like mad. haiya.. i've never blushed so much lar.. u jahat!!! i get u 1 day ar.. hmmph!!
kden peepz.. datz all.. hope u all had fun over the weekends.. bounce baby bounce..!!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
to all female readers.. this is gud for ya if u wan noe more bout guyz than u already noe..
Guys hate sluts even though theyhave sex with them!(oh're not "popular" if you've slept with more than 6're a HOE)--
Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, theyalways think about the girl they trulycare about.--
Guys go crazy over a girl's smile.--
Guys will do anything just to get you to notice him--
Guys hate it when you talk about your ex-boyfriend or ex love-interest.--
Boyfriends need to be reassured often that they're still loved.--
Don't talk about your guy friends to your boyfriend.--
Guys get jealous easily.--
Guys are more emotional than they'd like people to think.--
Giving a guy a hanging message like "You know what?!..uh...nevermind.." would make him jump to a conclusion that is farfrom what you are thinking. And he'll assume he did something wrong and he'll obsess about it trying to figure it out.--
Guys are good flatterers when courting but they usually stammer when they talk to a girl they really like.--
A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.--
Guys love you more than you love them if they are serious in your relationships.--
Guys think WAY too much. One small thing a girl does, even if she doesn't notice it can make the guy think about it for hours, trying to figure out what it meant.--Guys seek for advice from girls not other guys. Because most guys think alike, so if one guy's confused, thenwe're all confused.--
If a guy starts to talk seriously,listen to him. It doesn't happen thatoften, so when it does, you know something's up.--
If your best guy friend seems to avoid you or is never around when you're with your boyfriend, he's probably jealous and likes you.--
When a guy tells you that you are beautiful, don't say you aren't. It makes them want to stop telling you because they don't want you to disagree with them.--
When a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he's definitely thinking something.--
Guys don't like girls who punch harder than they do.--
A guy has more problems than you can see with your naked eyes.--
Don't be a snob. Guys can be intimidated and give up easily.--
Guys talk about girls more than girls talk about guys.--
Guys hate rejection, but they hate being led on even more.--
If you are going to reject a guy,just do it. Don't say they are like a brother or just good friends, it just hurts even more. Tell them that you aren't interested in a relationshipand they will respect you.--
Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions and are MAD confusing but somehow are drawn even more to them.--
When a guy sacrifices his sleep and health just to be with you, he really likes you and wants to be with you as much as possible.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
relationship is not sumting that u can close 1 eye.. esp when it comes to boy n gurl relationship.. to me, this kind of relationship is when u can tell ur feelings n problems while the oder party will listen n try to comfort in return .. relationship is not all bout fun, laughter n doing stuff that u like.. dere are times when u need to sit n listen to each oder.. spend as much time 2gether as a couple to solve things out.. n not juz by keeping to themself.. having sum1 that close to ya will really help u solve things coz u will be feeling more comfortable to tok to.. at times, u really cant share ur personal problems to ur frens or family.. that special sum1 is the bez person to tok wif.. dats y couples muz be more open to each oder.. u hav to be matured b4 going thru this kind of relationship coz u will regret it 1 dae when the relationship didnt werk coz of lack of communication.. im not refering to any1 here.. so dun feel offended.. this is how i felt..
n wif wad i've experienced, people changed when they got wad they wanted.. esp the newly couple.. dey seem to be sweet, loving n spend much of their time b4 stead.. after that, once an achivement to get hold of sum1, dey hav 1001 reasons not to entertain or simply got oder stuff to do.. hais.. people.. esp guys out dere.. pls dun hurt the gurls.. gurls hav high hopes n will do aniting for ya.. pls dun disappoint them..
kden.. tc people, tc couples out dere.. tc eu.. be strong.. gurl power kz.. haha ..
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Sunday, February 17, 2008
kanina punye pompuan.. gi mampos tannak.. semue dah tak suke kau.. beh lagi nak buat kacau.. cibai!!!
had a small fite with the indian muslim staff rite b4 i went home.. nabeh.. takde care btol.. so wad if i took ur pen.. terlupe to put back rite.. den muz shout ar when u juz beside me.. cibai.. n so wad if i tok2 wif ur enemy.. we dont gossip bout u rite.. cibai.. finally people c the bad side of me.. they c me as the nice n helpful person.. cibai ar kau.. i even help u to take the shoes.. not even a simple thanz.. dala sombong.. people smile at u n u jeling.. cibai.. cibai. cibai.. wan complain, complain ar.. i dun care.. others will support me coz every1 hates u.. damm u cibai... kla.. stupid day 2dae..
Friday, February 15, 2008
Friday, February 15, 2008
Those celebrated valentines day.. hope u all had fun time ya.. for.. i celebrated it wif my skool frens.. juz lepak2 at the coffee shop near my school.. had this spicy mee goreng complete wif hot teh.. haha.. kenyang siak!!!.. den laugh2 n kip disturbing sak lor.. haha..
the day b4.. went out wif jamz.. i promised to treat her for swensen if she well for her o level.. luckily not that she expected lor.. 4 As.. if not had to cook for her!!.. haha.. went to tampiness mall but no swensen!!! haha.. too bad.. so went to pizza hut instead.. we picked a sofa place but the table is damm far lor.. so had to fold my leg due to my shortness.. haha.. we ordered seafood pan pizza, she had chicken royale while i had beef lasagne.. but in the end we switched coz i preferd her dish n she prefered mine.. jamz had a big appetite lor.. begin wif the mushroom soup already makes me full.. she can finished her plate cleanly n can even finished up all the pizza.. wah piang sia!!! patotla boncet.. heee.. den for desert.. had heavenly delight.. a strawberry ice cream.. nice2.. n lastly.. a not in the list desert.. dared by jamz n please dun try it!!! coke remiz.. coke + chilli + pepper + cheese!!! bad combination.. giler abes n not that pleasant to look at.. im first to try lorr.. can still taste the coke but got the spicy2 taste in the end.. she had it too.. giler!!
den off to shop for sum1 valentine day gift.. walk here n dere n so many people doing laz minit shopping.. so cramped!!! n jamz so fussy!!! sheesh!!! den end up in toysrus.. managed to whacked her alot of times.. padan muke jam!!! haha.. she bought a ball n a bear2.. not kewt at all!!! bluek.. but better choice than the soft toy which if u pressed n it gives out sound. haha..
den accompany her to buy her prepaid card coz her mum gonna give her 2 months to settle her handphone bills.. bought it n distured fiq.. alamak fiq.. emotional sangat ar kau.. lek ar.. she did it to many people la.. including me.. haha.. den took the bus n send her home.. n dats when my stomach begin to giv problems.. stupid coke remiz la.. keep farting in the train n people beside me keep changing places.. haha.. reached home n found out jamz also had a stomach ache.. soriezz!!!
open up my gift that jam bought me.. bastard lu!!! did revenge on me by wrapping the gifts wif so many news paper.. sheesh!!! copycat!!! bluek!!! finally.. jamz bought me a small beg wif lots n lots of candies including a laz minute chocs.. haha.. thanz jamz..
kla peepz.. dats all im updating.. 2dae no skool again.. juz slacking at home.. tc peepz.. bounce baby bounce!!! ciaoz!!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
more pix people.. more pix tmr.. my camera batt dah flat sia. sway btol.. hha.. enjz!!!

Monday, February 11, 2008
Monday, February 11, 2008
alrite2.. welcome me back people.. haha.. reached home laz nite from msia.. had a fun trip sia.. tak leh angkat sia.. but the moz irritating part is the traffic jamz n inconsiderate drivers both from singapore n msia.. stupid sia.. moderfucker btol.. haha.. but had a good exp ar.. tried new food like sup perot (cow's intestine) .. speak kelantan language.. ala.. alot ar.. esp food food food!!!! haha
so ya... for the first day.. we took more than 14 hrs to reach kelantan.. sorie jamz.. wrong place.. haha.. but still as far la.. had many pit stops along the way.. den we overnite in 1 of the bungalows which dey rented.. big ar but so many famili members... cramp n had to sleep on the dining table mat.. kecian2.. haha..
next day, went to the wedding.. n we were treated like vip sia.. haha.. after makan2.. rez at the hs again n went shopping at nite.. nuting much but cheap2 ar.. nilai 3 place more better ar..
the following day.. we decided to drive along the coastline of msia.. gerek giler sai.. esp the waves!!! wee!!! had ikan bakar n prawns which is as big as ur palm!!! haha.. its no fake n i pix of it.,. didnt actli bathe at the beach.. juz some snapshots n posings.. haha.. we actli plan to hav lunch n den go straight back to singapore.. but wif only 1 driver, my dad tired n almost fell asleep along the way.. thanz to mama, who kept him alert n stayed awake.. n while i was asleep.. sumting happened.. mama, dad n abg saw sumting.. freeeky sia.. ask me if u wan to noe more...
so we decided to rez at malacca where my kampong is.. its anoder long journey la.. longer than we expected.. imagine we left from the bungalow around 12 pm n reached my kampong in malacca at 5.45 am.. damm tired n pity dad for driving.. bro n me gonna take car license so that we can take turns to drive..
the laz day.. massive traffic jamz.. almost all the pit stops were fulled.. so decided not to hav any stops for food.. instead only stop for toilet breaks.. n dad decided to hav food when we arrived in singapore..
reached singapore at 9 pm.. didnt get any sms or missed calls.. so juz for the misses.. i sms jamz.. haha.. n told her i couldnt get wad she wanted.. sorie jamz.. den she kol me la.. thinking im home ready but told her to kol me at 12.. haha dden had dinner at clementi.. had mutton chops.. gerek.. miss the food too.. than off to send untie home.. once home.. unpacked the bags n help dad to clean the car.. many kacang la on the floor n empty bottles.. changed clthes but dint shower i juz jumped onto my bed.. den waited for her to kol.. time passes n i thought she was having her supper like she always did.. but hor.. she fell asleep!!! sheesh!!! ape jerk.. baru je nak tok2 wif u.. haiyo.. kla peepz.. took some pix wif my phone.,. more pix tmr ya.. enjoyz!!! tc!! bounce people bounce.. ciaoz!!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
kkz.. juz came back from shopping wif megat n sakthi.. 2dae half dae mah due to the chinese new yr eve.. so.. went to vivo city to order bdae cake from secret recipi for megat's gurl bdae.. the cake so damm nice la.. so we decided to hav a couple of cakes.. i had banana chocolate cake, megat had marble cheese cake while sak had the bez 1 .. but forget the name.. haha.. den , follow megat to but shoes at everlast.. nice2.. gud tase ar megat.. den lepak2 at rooftop.. look2 at gurls.. n mats2
den off to bugis bhg.. met my workmates.. make fun wif dem n megat noticed dat im so popular la.. every1 noe me.. haha.. sak bought singlet la.. den megat try on some levis t shirt but nvr buy.. den off to bugis street.. hopefully to find some nice clothes.. but so kecoh la.. so many chinese doing laz minute shopping n moz of the shop half day.. by 5 every shop seems to close.. so we hurried la.. b uy this n buy that.. den bought lil miss bdae which the 3 of us bought for the bdae gurl.. tired2 n sak kip complaining..
5 plus .. shop all closed liao.. so off to ljs.. n sakthi blanja us coz i paid for the ex cakes at secret resipi.. after food.. look at mats2 n minahs.. n we even make a song..
me : who am i?
megat : mat reap
me: who am i?
megat : mat reap?
me: say again
megat : mat reap
both of us: whook whook!!! den do the mat reap dance.. haha..
muz do it in real lifee than can c vety funny sia.. haha..
kla peepz.. thats all im updating.. going msia tmr morning.. n be coming back on sunday.. gonna hav a great time.. n nuting to wuri about!!!.. peepz.. miss me alrite!!! enjoy the pix alrite.. n this song is meant for sum1.. klu terase den 2 bad lor!!! ciaoz!!!