BoUt Me
Nor Khairil Bin Jamaludin
there's nothing wrong with my name
X Age 20
X DOB 4/2/1988
X Ite Dover (2006-2008)
X NS - Jurong camp 1.
Hq storemen (F.E)
O.R.D 8/8/2010
X Soccer
X Listening to music
X Making new frens
X Mc flurry!!!
X mats
X backstabbers
X Posers
X My smelly socks!! =)
Wan noe more bot me.. c my frenster---->
My Wish List
(X) buy new clothes
(X) lose my weight *i think
(X) enrolled motor bike license
(X) Passed motor bike license
( ) Get my own motor bike
(X) Find new lovee..pending
( ) Psp
(X) Vans shoe
Friday, September 12, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008

went to bugis yestday to shop n had our break - fast.. walked around bugis street where i bought a new t's while she bought a tanks.. oh ya.. i finally bought her a real n useful wallet from the wallet shop.. hhaha.. n sum1 so talkative sia!!! n kip complaning while waiting for the fud.. haiyo.. kan kene marah.. bluek!!! haha!!!
27 days
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Saturday, September 06, 2008

Happy 17th Bdae to my dearest JAmilah Bte HAmzah!!!!!!