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BoUt Me

Nor Khairil Bin Jamaludin
there's nothing wrong with my name

X Age 20
X DOB 4/2/1988
X Ite Dover (2006-2008)
X NS - Jurong camp 1. Hq storemen (F.E) O.R.D 8/8/2010

X Soccer
X Listening to music
X Making new frens
X Mc flurry!!!

X mats
X backstabbers
X Posers
X My smelly socks!! =)
Wan noe more bot me.. c my frenster----> ♥me

My Wish List

(X) buy new clothes
(X) lose my weight *i think
(X) enrolled motor bike license
(X) Passed motor bike license
( ) Get my own motor bike
(X) Find new lovee..pending
( ) Psp
(X) Vans shoe


LisTen Up

♥ Sunday, May 3, 2009
Sunday, May 03, 2009

Thx guyz..

♥ Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Missing her badly...

♥ Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Days in my secondary school

This tag is so fun because the answers can go on and on.
Read if you miss your sec school years.

1. Which school did you go to?
Commonwealth Secondary school.. Css..

2. What classes were you in?
1/7 , 2/7 , 3/8 , 4/8 , 5/2

3. What was/were your favourite lesson(s)?
Design and technology ( monster cock session) haha

4. If you could remember, what time was your recess?
10.30 for uppersec I think. the other one I forgot. hehe

5. List down your favourite food/snacks.
Doraemon cake

Did you have a nickname way back in high school?
Abang pen! lol

2. How did you wear your socks?
ankle socks during my lower sec days. there's one time I wear "fake ankle socks". You know, my socks is actually long but then I fold it in and it look like ankle socks. haha! dont laugh because some of you people do that rite. heh. but my uppersec days, i just wear normal socks. weets ! :)

3. Have you been suspended due to the way you put on your uniform?

4. Were you given plenty of reminders about your appearance?
yup!! esp the fringe.. back den , karipap hair is an in thing.. =)

5. Who did you look up to when you were in high school?
my classmates

1. Name one memorable scene where you were scolded in front of the whole class.
yes there's one. disturb a gurl by putting her crush boi's name on a drawing block n paste it on the whiteboard.. n the boi is in the same class.. end up had to stand on the chair.. aniwae, this happened when im sec 5!! lol.. childish!!

2. How many times did you skip class? What were you doing?
Once.. when my late grandma pass away.. no mood going to school.. meet frens at the nearby block n smoke.. den head to my fren house to doze off..

3. Give one scene where you escaped from being caught/punished.
Punch this irritating/ neardy guy on the chest.. he was holding onto his chest when the vice-principle came n ask him.. luckily he didnt tell her wad happend.. sorie Derek!!

4. Did you vandalize any school property?
yes. but only my table ah. I wouldnt say vandalize la, its more like Art. haha.

5. Did you ever make any teacher cry?
yes! as a class!!! super duper of class 2/7 (2002)


1. Who was your favourite teacher?
Cikgu HAnita.. she is like a second mother to us...

2. Describe your DM.

3. Who was the funniest/loudest teacher?
Mr NG! 5 mins of teaching n 30 -45 mins toking bot his past..

[Social Circle]

1. Were you popular back then?
ya!! the shortest sec5 guy around

2. Were you in a big group of boys/girls or small ones?
Big n fearfull.. haha

3. Who were your best friends?
Soccermates.. Sharir, Amin, shahril, Farhan

4. Did you and your friends have nicknames?
me -Abang, abang pen, shahril- bomb , FArhan- ban

5. What were your favourite memories of you and your friends?
3rd floor corner toilet near to the malay classroom.. we change, clean up and smoke after p.e

[Co-curricular Activities]

1. What type of CCA were you in?
military band

2. what did you have to bring to your CCA?

3. What did your CCA required you to do?
lots of listening

4. Got injured?
haha.. no


1. Who was your first crush?
this kewt gurl ( not fee)

2. Are you in good terms with your last crush?
juz a fren

3. Did you ever had a relationship with anyone in your sec school?

4. Have you ever made out in school?
no, never

[Closing Ceremony]

1. How did high school changed you?
In terms of attitude, not much I think. Im still the same. probably I've changed from a boy to a fine young man. wahaha.

2. Sing one verse of your school song.
i 4got!!! damn

3. What was your favourite question?
??? couldnt think one. maybe i dont have. hehe.

4. Who/what will you remember from your high school?
frens n funny memories

5. Any memories you will not forget.
yeahhh Alot. be it good memories or bad memories. basically its all about the fun, adventure, direction for the future and hope, not to mention lasting friendships that could change my lives forever. like i said, you gotta feel it dude.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Yo2.. spending my leaves at home 2dae.. lol.. n im not blaming u kz.. u dun wurry.. so ya.. did some quiz n stuff ..

1)my type of colour
Bright Smile
With one smile you brighten everybodys day. You are very unique. People feel comfortable around you. You are giving and kind to others. happiness is in your heart to stay.

2) my type of colour...
You match well with friendship. You have many friends and you will have them forever. You are very friendly and is always there to cheer your friends up.

3) how boring ar u...
u r kind and loyal but let's face it u r boring
people love for who u r but if u change your routine , you will have more fun . sure always ordering fried chicken is fine now . but eventually you will get sick of it ..and (not to freak you out ),if you r always hang out with the same crowd , wat would u do if you got sick of them ? so shake things up ! be hold order something new and get to party this week ..and plzzzzzz have fun..


3) what people think of you at first sight...
People feel like they have to protect you!aww.. you are not so defenceless: show them! heeeX!!!!!!!!

♥ Sunday, March 15, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009

u cant really see what lies at the end of the road .. dats the situation im in now.. its full of gamble n trust ur gut feeling.. hoping to see the person whom u been wating 4..

♥ Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Since fishing being cancelled 2dae.. stupid sergent btol. haha..
im going to the secret spot later.. whee!!! gona explore n get lost.. lol!!!
wish me luck yo..

♥ Monday, January 26, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009

good powers come wif heavy responsibility...

bad moves come wif heavy consequences..

right now.. everything is heavy..


♥ Sunday, January 4, 2009
Sunday, January 04, 2009

Did u celebrated ur 30th anniversary wif ur dear 2dae?

Did u watch the yes man movie wif her?

Did u enjoy the movie?

Will u watch it again?

Will u recommend ur frens to watch it?

Omg!!! this movie really influenced me to say yes!!! haha!! =)

Happy anniversary sayang!!!!